Thursday, November 14, 2013


 The other day I was going running with my friend Kristel and as I was walking out the door I called to Chris, "The Baby is in the back yard, just so you know."  Kristel just started laughing at me and said that maybe we should start calling him Elijah.  I couldn't figure out what she was talking about, but then realized that it might sound kind of funny to someone who didn't know I was talking about my 16 month old. 

I'm not sure that Elijah will ever grow out of being "Baby".  We all call him that, although I have started using his name more than I did before.  We love having our baby boy and hope that it is a while before he starts resenting the nickname.

He is such a funny, quirky, opinionated, squishy, hamball of a baby.   I am totally biased, but every day I think he has hit his cuteness limit but he always comes up with even more endearing stunts the next day.

Some of the things he's been doing lately are:

-Saying "hi" to anyone who walks into the room where he is, or if he walks into somewhere where someone else is

-Walking around on his tiptoes

-Yelling "doh" (go) and running across the living room.  Repeat.  Repeat. Repeat.

-Calling the chickens in a funny little high pitched voice.  He makes his chicken call while sitting at his high chair and then tosses the food on the ground like he thinks they are going to come inside and eat it.  It's hilarious, though I do wish it didn't make quite such a mess.  He has a love/hate relationship with both the chickens and William's parakeets.  He loves them, calls them, watches them incessently, but if they make any sudden movements or come to close to him totally freaks out and screams hysterically.

-He loves to give hugs and kisses.  The kisses are slobbery but oh so sweet.

-Gives a super cheesy grin/laugh when he wants you to know he likes something or is excited about something

-Casts spells like a true wizard.  I am really hoping to catch this on video sometime.

-Has been singing along with the piano cds my kids have been playing, especially the Suzuki twinkles

-Playing chase. The other day I was saying, "I'm going to get you" as I was chasing him around.  When I got distracted for a little while he came up to me and said, "GIT CHOO" and then ran away squealing.

-Saying "thank you" both verbally and with the sign.  He perfected this one on Halloween.  He absolutely loved the fact that person after person was handing him candy.
He painted spaghetti on his belly one evening.  You would have thought it was the Mona Lisa the way he was absorbed in it.
-Making the silliest faces ever. 

-Copying everything his brothers do.  I mean everything.

-Apparently he is also one of the only kids in nursery who tries to sing along and do the actions with the songs.  We are all spoiled because grandma is the nursery leader so she has been taking him for the last several months.

-Grabbing his nose and anybody else's who gets close enough.  He has been fascinated with noses since he figured out about them. 

-Being super possessive of his dirty diapers.  He INSISTS on throwing them away himself, and for a while was refusing to put them in the garbage and would cry hysterically whenever I would throw them in.  Luckily he has gotten over that and now just has to throw it in himself.
He loves hanging out with his Daddy.  Except occasionally when he doesn't want anything to do with him.

And a million other cute things.  I can't believe how much fun we have with him.  It's not like he is always happy, or sleeps super well, but for some reason watching him grow and learn new things has been an incredibly fulfilling, joyful experience.  Not that it wasn't with my other boys, but I feel like I have a different sort of appreciation for it now that I have some older kids too.

I was thinking today about what our life would be like without him and the thought was so bleak and sad! He choked on something (I'm not sure what) and I was of course a mess about it for a few minutes until he managed to get it all the way down. We would all be lost without our sweet baby.  He really is like a ray of sunshine in our lives!

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