Friday, August 14, 2009


Stomach flu + 8 1/2 months pregnant = Not fun

Special thanks to the Cutlers for taking my William and loving him.


Rebecca Rose said...

Oh no! That sounds terrible!! I'm sorry you're sick or that you've been sick. I hope it's over now and that your recovery is quick. Poor Bita. I'm very glad you have a lot of people around to help take care of William.

Kelsey said...

Oh, I am sooo sorry! I hope you are feeling better now! Baby will be here soon!!!

Heather@Women in the Scriptures said...

Oh, that is awful! Hope you are feeling better soon and best wishes for this baby.

E said...

=( i'm sorry!! i had that when I was pregnant with jaksen- it IS the worst. I hope you are starting to feel better. i can't wait to see your new little one!!

Michelle said...

Hey Chris gave us your blog address so we can keep in touch! We have a blog at Just send me an email at (its my spam email) and we'll send you an invite. We're sad to see you guys move away and are excited for what you guys are up to in the future.

The Phillips said...

I'm sorry you're not feelin good. It's great to see that you and Chris are enjoying life together! What are you having?

Hill Family said...

Hang in there...just a little longer:)

Michelle and Judson said...

Elizabeth, I can't believe your going to pop, has it been that long since we have seen you guys. Sorry about being sick, that's the worst. How is everything? :o)

The Cook Clan said...

Ewwww, yuck, I'm sorry. We just got over the stomach flu, but thankfully I'm not prego and thankfully I haven't gotten it yet. I hear you had your new baby???? Can't wait to see pics.