Last night as I was lying in bed waiting to fall asleep, I started thinking about Christmas coming up and what I was going to do for people. I have always really enjoyed giving gifts for Christmas, and I always want to do things that are meaningful, but I tend to lack forsight and creativity and usually end up spending more money than I want and having to get things last minute (i.e. December 24th at 5:00pm). I would really like to avoid that this year, but also realize that Christmas is only 1 1/2 months away, so obviously I'm probably not going to be able to do anything TOO time consuming. I had a couple of rough ideas of what to do for Chris, and also for our parents, and I'm hoping something will round itself out, but while I'm waiting for a stroke of genius, I figured I'd ask the world...
What have you done for loved ones at Christmas time that has been meaningful, memorable, and hasn't broken the bank?
What suggestions do you have for someone who is creatively challenged, perfectionist, and doesn't have a whole year?
What do you do that helps keep stress levels low and family unity high during the holidays?