Monday, December 15, 2008

A Sad Evening

This evening I was cooking spaghetti for dinner and as I took the pot of spaghetti from the stove to the sink to strain it, William decided he really needed to be held and grabbed onto my legs whining to be picked up. This had disastrous results because as he did this and I poured the scalding water into the strainer, some hit the side and splashed onto his arm. Needless to say, he screamed hysterically for a little bit and I cried and his poor little elbow was all burned and blistered. Overall he was actually a pretty good sport, and luckily it only got him a little bit, but I still felt SO bad.
After I ran it under cold water and put aloe vera on it he was much better so we ate dinner and since he ended up with spaghetti all over him I figured it was time for him to take a bath. I didn't want to put the water too warm because it always hurts on burns, so I just put in luke warm water, closed the bathroom door and turned on the little baseboard heater that was in there. He played pretty well, and after a while decided he was ready to be done so I was going to grab a new washcloth out of the hall closet. I figured it was pretty warm in the room, so I leaned down to turn off the heater and as I was standing up opened the door rather quickly. Too bad I didn't quite get my head out of the way first. The corner of the door smacked me so hard right on the eyebrow bone and I have a nice goose egg that developed within about a minute. I'm sure I'll have a black eye tomorrow.
The best part about it was that when Chris got home a little bit later and learned what happened he LAUGHED HYSTERICALLY!!!!! (Not about William's arm, just about my head) Honestly-what kind of sympathy is that? So I figured I deserved to lie on the couch with a bag of snow on my head and a bowl full of chocolates beside me and watch a Jane Austen movie.
Sorry, I didn't take any pictures of any of it. I've been too traumatized by the whole evening. Luckily William seems to be sleeping pretty well so far. Poor little guy!!!


The Cook Clan said...

Oh my goodness! That is hard to hear. I think it is hard to see your baby in pain. Good luck with your head. That really stinks!

Rebecca Rose said...

Poor Bita and William!!! That sounds like quite the evening you guys had. That's very nice and comforting of Chris to laugh hysterically. ha! :)
Chocolate and Jane Austen sounds like a great conclusion to a painful evening. Hope you guys recovery quickly!

Halsey said...

Oh honey! I hate to admit it, but I laughed! What a crazy night! I'm glad that you and William survived intact, and Chris will just have to wait for his turn I guess... Sure miss you guys! Put your e-mail address on my blog and I'll e-mail you a Christmas newsletter.