Today I just wanted to write down some things I'm loving about each of my boys right now. And though I mean this to be more of an individual type thing, I have to include that right now, and in fact all day today William and Isaac have been playing and playing and playing together. With minimal fighting. And with much creativity and imagination. They've built lego structures, hunted monsters in the dark with guns built out of snap cubes, written letters to the "code messenger" and probably a bunch of stuff I don't even know about. I LOVE days when they play like this. Are they still in their pajamas? Yes. Have they made some big messes? Yes. But that's okay, because I told them we could have a movie night tonight if they clean it all up, which means they probably will. Now if only Elijah would nap for more than 15 minutes at a time I could get some serious stuff done!
Anyway...on to the individual stuff.
This picture was taken on the first day of "preschool" for William. We are doing a preschool co-op with some friends and William loves it. |
There is a lot of stuff about William that I am loving right now, but one of my very favorite things is that we have been reading the "Little House" books together, and he loves it. We have already read Little House in the Big Woods and are most of the way through Little House on the Prairie and have checked out Farmer Boy from the library for when we finish it. He wants me to read it to him all the time, and I absolutely love it that he can get into the story and empathize with the characters and follow the story line even with gaps of time in between. He has always been a snuggler, and it's fun for me to get to snuggle up with him and read a book that I enjoy as well. Toward the beginning of Little House on the Prairie they lose their dog Jack down a river and think he is dead, and William was SO concerned about it. You could tell that he was feeling so bad for them and was so worried about them being alright without their dog. I'll admit that I got a little choked up watching his face as I read.
One other thing that I am really enjoying with William is his thirst for knowledge of all sorts. He is interested in EVERYTHING and wants to know the whys and the hows and the wherefores, and the history behind it and what it means for the future etc. etc. etc. Although this can get a little hard to live with sometimes for the most part I really like how interested he is in everything.
Taken at Tim and Irene's reception. The bib was an attempt to keep his nice clothes clean. It failed miserably. |
Isaac has been little destructo-boy lately, so at first it was a little hard for me to think of something for him (is that okay for a parent to admit?), but after thinking for about 30 seconds all the things that I love about Isaac came flooding to me. With Isaac my favorite things are kind of hard to put into words because they have more to do with how he squints his eye and cocks his head and talks in his musical little voice than some specific thing he is actually doing. Isaac makes hilarious faces all the time. He has a different face for everything he is saying, whether it's something serious, emphatic, silly, sad etc. And not only does he make funny faces, but he combines them with some awesome voices. It makes me laugh every single day. I just can't manage to stay frustrated with Isaac for very long because he is just so stinking cute. We were driving in the car the other day and he was in the middle of the backseat right where I could see him in the rear view mirror and it almost took my breath away because I saw again what an incredibly beautiful child he is. I could hardly stop looking at him to watch the road!
The most recent picture I have of Elijah, taken on William's birthday at the Cutler's house. Babies change so much that he already seems so different than pictures taken just a few weeks ago! |
One of my favorite things about Elijah right now is that he definitely knows me and loves me! He always seems to have a big grin for me when I pick him up, or will turn toward me when someone else is holding him and he hears my voice. The other day he even reached out his arms like he wanted me to take him! I am loving having a baby right now. Sometimes it's stressful, and it's hard to have another mamma's boy, but at the same time I absolutely love having cuddle time and baby grins and giggles. I also love that Elijah is usually ready to go to bed when the other boys go down between 8:00 and 9:00 and that in general he sleeps really well at night. It definitely helps my sanity level!